Another qui-device widget bug

[user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-block ls
BACKEND:DEVID   DESCRIPTION                                         USED BY
dom0:loop68     /usr/lib/qubes/qubes-windows-tools-placeholder.iso

So, obviously no qube uses it. How on earth I can get rid of it from qui-devices? I don’t even know what the proper term for getting rid of it would be, because it isn’t mounted (df -H), I don’t even know how it got there on the first place.

Device widget is the worst thing in Qubes, after keyboard layout switch. Better not to have them, then to have them in this state.

Edit: I’m wrong. I don’t think it’s a bug: given the loop... device id, it may be a loop device, try to run losetup --list in dom0 to get more informations about this.

Related issue:

I’ve tried to remove it with e.g. sudo losetup -d /dev/loop68 and it’s unmounting the iso from the loop device but it’s not removing the loop device itself. I guess it’s not removing the loop device since it’s in use by some Qubes process.