Anonymity, security, different identities: Qubes + Whonix or Tails

I have never used Tails but AFAIK it is not supposed to be run in any way allowing persistence. And Qubes is not made for anti-forensics.

Perhaps use the right tool for the job.

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The most conservative potential solution for achieving high security(QubesOS), anonimity(Whonix) and anti-forensics (TailsOS) seems to be a HiddenQubes VM installed on a veracrypt volume on TailsOS. This is still in active research.

But if you want this setup on QubesOS, you need to install the veracrypt volume with Whonix
or QubesOS inside. You also need a machine with lots of RAM because TailsOS runs completely
in RAM.

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Just to summarize, the stack is

QubesOS or Whonix in a Veracrypt volume installed on TailsOS, which is actually an HVM
running inside QubesOS.

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I answered your question linking to the RAM-based qubes script because I authored that other thread and I received a notification when you linked to it. I can’t answer your main question.