4.2.2, Debian 12 minimial, thunar, qubes menu options missing

Using Qubes 4.2.2, fresh Debian 12 minimal template.

Installed qubes-core-agent-thunar and thunar

In thunar, right click a folder, “copy to other qube” and “move to other qube” are missing. However, when thunar is run as root, they are there.

Has anyone else come across this? Any fix? I submitted it to github.

It works for me.
Maybe you have some custom modifications in your debian-12-minimal template?
Clone your current debian-12-minimal template to save it if you need it.
Then reinstall the debian-12-minimal from the repository so you’ll have the default template, install the package there and check the thunar context menu integration in this template.

It has resolved itself, not sure how.